Did you know…

The poop of meat-eaters smells much stronger than that of plant-eaters
Did you know that the poop of meat-eaters (Carnivores) smells much stronger than that of plant-eaters (Herbivores)? The smell of feces is strongly influenced by the animal's diet. Carnivores, such as lions and tigers, eat meat,...

An elephant’s trunk contains no bones
Did you know that an elephant's trunk contains no bones? Instead, the elephant's trunk has nearly 150,000 muscles. These muscles give the trunk its incredible flexibility, strength, and precision. Thanks to these muscle bundles,...

A housefly lives for only 14 days
Did you know that a housefly lives for only 14 days? A housefly typically lives for about 14 days, though this lifespan can vary depending on factors such as temperature, food availability, and environment. Under ideal...

The thickest tree on Earth is “El Árbol del Tule” in Mexico
Did you know that the thickest tree on Earth is probably "El Árbol del Tule" in the town of Santa María del Tule in Mexico? El Árbol del Tule, located in the village of Santa María del Tule in Oaxaca, Mexico, is a remarkable...

It takes a chicken 25 hours to produce an egg
Did you know that it takes a chicken about 25 hours to produce an egg that can be laid? On average, a chicken takes between 24 and 26 hours to produce an egg. The process begins with the development of the yolk in the ovary....

Crocodiles lived 200 million years ago already
Did you know that crocodiles existed 200 million years ago? Crocodiles are among the oldest animal groups still in existence. Their ancestors appeared around 200 million years ago, during the Mesozoic era, a period that also saw...

An hedgehog has over 5,000 spines
Did you know that a hedgehog has over 5,000 spines? On average, a hedgehog has between 5,000 and 7,000 spines, although this number can vary depending on the species and age of the animal. These spines are essentially hairs that...

The world’s oceans contain 1,331 quintillion liters of water
Did you know that all the world's oceans together contain approximately 1.331 quintillion liters of salt water? The seas and oceans on Earth collectively hold an enormous amount of water, estimated at around 1.331 billion cubic...

Only 2.5% of the water (fresh + salt) on Earth is fresh water
Did you know that the total amount of fresh water on Earth makes up only 2.5% of the planet's total water supply (fresh + salt)? This 2.5% amounts to 35,000,000,000,000,000,000 (35 quintillion) liters of fresh water. This water...

Warm water freezes faster than cold water
Did you know that warm water freezes faster than cold water? This is called the Mpemba effect. It is named after the Tanzanian student Erasto Mpemba, who noticed this effect in the 1960s. There are various theories for this...

The brain is mostly made up of water (80%)
Did you know that the brain is mostly made up of water? The brain is composed of 80% water, with the remaining 20% consisting of fats and proteins. This high water content is essential for proper brain function, as water plays a...

The largest dinosaur ever found is the Argentinosaurus
Did you know that the largest dinosaur ever found is the Argentinosaurus? The largest dinosaurs that ever lived belong to the group of sauropods, which are known for their enormous size and long necks. The largest known...

Snakes once had legs
Did you know that snakes once had legs? The ancestors of snakes had limbs or legs, but through evolution and adaptation to their environment, these limbs were gradually reduced and eventually disappeared. Fossils have been found...

During a French kiss, 250 different types of bacteria are exchanged
Did you know that during a French kiss, 250 different types of bacteria are exchanged? The oral cavity is a complex environment rich in microorganisms, and the tongue is a major source of these bacteria. The exchange of bacteria...

The strongest earthquake ever occurred in 1960 in Chile
Did you know that the strongest earthquake ever was likely an earthquake in 1960 in Chile? The strongest earthquake ever recorded is the Valdivia earthquake in Chile, which occurred on May 22, 1960. This earthquake had a...

The human skeleton continues to grow until the age of 35.
Did you know that the human skeleton continues to grow until the age of 35? The term "growing" is a bit of an exaggeration. The growth of the skeleton, especially in terms of length, usually stops at the end of puberty, around...

An elephant cannot jump
Did you know that an elephant is physically unable to jump? Elephants are one of the few mammals that cannot jump. This is due to their enormous body weight and the way their legs are built. Unlike animals like kangaroos or...

Human hair grows 15 cm per year
Did you know that human hair grows about 15 cm per year? Human hair grows on average about 15 centimeters per year or 0.4 to 0.5 mm per day. This is an average and can vary depending on various factors such as genetics, age,...

Cold water is heavier than warm water
Did you know that cold water is heavier than warm water? (the same amounts, for example, one liter) The density of water increases as the temperature decreases. Water molecules move more slowly as the temperature drops, causing...

An Electric Eel generates enough energy to start 50 cars
Did you know that an electric eel, during a discharge, generates enough energy to start 50 cars? An Electric Eel (Electrophorus electricus) is a fish that resembles an eel and is primarily found in the freshwater environments of...

The heart of a mouse beats more than 600 times per minute
Did you know that the heart of a mouse beats more than 600 times per minute? So, the heart of a mouse beats 10 times per second. In comparison, a human's heart beats 60 to 80 times per minute. All mammals have roughly a billion...

In prehistoric times, there were gigantic ferns
Did you know that in prehistoric times there were gigantic ferns, reaching heights of up to 18 meters? During the Carboniferous period (over 300 million years ago), the warm climate provided ideal conditions for ferns to grow...

The Horseshoe Crab has blue blood
Did you know that a horseshoe crab has blue blood? A horseshoe crab is an arthropod (arthropods have their skeleton on the outside rather than internally like humans) and belongs to the group known as "swordtails." The horseshoe...

The hedgehog lived already during the time of the dinosaurs
Did you know that the hedgehog lived already during the time of the dinosaurs? The hedgehog was one of the species that survived the (presumed) meteorite impact that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs and is still alive...

During the mating season, a lion can mate up to dozens of times a day
Did you know that during the mating season, a lioness can mate as many as dozens of times a day? During the mating season, which usually lasts for a few weeks, a lioness may mate frequently, possibly dozens of times a day,...

The tongue of a giraffe can be almost half a meter long
Did you know that a giraffe's tongue can be almost half a meter long? The average length of a giraffe's tongue is 45 cm. The giraffe primarily uses its tongue to pull and eat leaves and twigs from trees. The tongue is very tough...

There are more bacteria in a mouth than there are people on Earth
Did you know that there are more bacteria in your mouth than there are people on Earth? Between 20 and 100 billion bacteria live in the mouth, depending on various factors such as hygiene, diet, and health. The number of...

A Koala sleeps 18 to 22 hours a day
Did you know that a Koala sleeps 18 to 22 hours a day? A Koala is only active for 2 to 6 hours a day, and during these hours, they mainly eat and reproduce. The eucalyptus leaves they consume contain very few nutrients and also...

Some grasshoppers hear through their hind legs
Did you know that some grasshoppers detect sound through their hind legs? In some species of grasshoppers, a hearing organ (also known as tympanal organs) is located on the tibiae of the forelegs. These organs are part of the...

A snail can sleep for 3 years without eating
Did you know that a snail can sleep for up to 3 years in a row without eating? As a survival mechanism, a snail undergoes a kind of hibernation called estivation to protect itself from unfavorable conditions like drought and...

Birds chew with their stomach
Did you know that birds actually chew with their stomach? Birds have a beak, which of course doesn't contain any teeth or molars. Therefore, a bird swallows food whole. Birds have two stomachs for the digestion process. In the...

Coral is an animal life form
Did you know that coral is animal life? Coral is an animal life form. Although it might resemble plants or even rocks, coral is composed of thousands of tiny organisms called polyps. These polyps belong to the phylum Cnidaria,...

Carrots used to be purple instead of orange
Did you know that carrots were originally purple? The carrot originates from Asia, and the original color of carrots was purple. In the 17th century, the purple carrot was crossed with yellow carrots, resulting in the orange...

The sex of a crocodile is determined by the temperature of the egg
Did you know that the sex of a crocodile is determined by the temperature of the egg it hatches from? In crocodiles, the sex of the offspring is determined by the temperature of the eggs during the incubation period, a...

A turtle can feel through its shell
Did you know that a turtle can feel through its shell? A turtle can feel through its shell! The shell of a turtle is not just a hard, sensationless exterior. The shell is actually a part of the turtle's skeleton and is made up...

The Polar Night can last half a year
Did You Know That the Polar Night Can Last Half a Year? The polar night is the period during which the sun does not rise for 24 hours. This phenomenon of total darkness occurs only within the Polar Circles. The closer one is to...

Chickens with brown earlobes lay brown eggs
Wist je dat een kip met bruine oorlellen, bruine eieren legt? Kippen met bruine oorlellen leggen vaak bruine eieren. De kleur van de oorlellen van een kip is een goede indicator van de kleur van de eieren die ze legt. Over het...

A light bulb is hotter than lava
Did you know that the filament in a light bulb reaches temperatures of 2,000 to 3,000 degrees Celsius? This is hotter than lava, which (above ground) has a maximum temperature of 1,200 degrees Celsius. The filament in a light...

The first economic bubble ever was the tulip bubble in the Netherlands
Did you know that the Netherlands was the first to experience an economic bubble, the tulip bubble? In the 17th century (the Golden Age), the Netherlands was the world's center of trade, agriculture, and industry. No other...

Eating a Pufferfish can be deadly
Did you know that eating a Pufferfish can be deadly? The Pufferfish (known as Fugu in Japanese) is extremely toxic. Despite its high toxicity, the Pufferfish is a very popular and expensive dish in Japan. Because the fish is so...

A starfish has no brain
Did you know that a starfish has no brain? Starfish (Asteroidea) do not have brains as we know them. Instead, they have a radial nervous system, which means their nerves are distributed in a star-shaped pattern across their...

The fastest animal on Earth is the Peregrine falcon
Did you know that the fastest animal on Earth is the Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus)? This specifically refers to the speed the animal can reach during a dive. During these spectacular dives, also known as "stoops," the...

Lowest temperature ever recorded on Earth
Did you know that the lowest temperature ever recorded on Earth is -89.2 degrees Celsius? This temperature was measured on July 21, 1983, at a Russian weather station called Vostok in Antarctica. The lowest temperature ever...

The highest mountain on Earth is Mount Everest
Did you know that the highest mountain on Earth is Mount Everest in the Himalayas? Mount Everest stands at a height of 8,850 meters and is located on the border between China and Nepal. It is part of the Himalayas, which lie at...

Every hour, 1 billion cells are replaced in the human body
Did you know that around 1 billion cells in your body are replaced every hour? The cells that are replaced are either old or dead and are therefore replaced by new cells. These include a wide variety of cells, from hair to skin...

The Blue Whale is the largest animal to have lived
Did you know that the largest animal ever to have lived is the blue whale? The blue whale can reach a length of up to 35 meters and weigh up to 175 tons. This animal can be found in all the oceans around the world. It has also...

The Dead Sea contains no plant or animal life
Did you know that the Dead Sea contains no plant or animal life? The Dead Sea lies in the border area between Israel and Jordan. The salt content in the Dead Sea is so high that no plants or animals can live in or around the...

The Heart of a Blue Whale is as big as a small car
Did you know that the Heart of a Blue Whale is as big as a small car? The hart of a Blue Whale weighs between 400 kg (880 lb) and 600 kg (1320 lb), and the aorta can reach a diameter of almost 25 cm. The Blue Whale has more...

The oldest tree on Earth is a Pinus longaeva
Did you know that the oldest tree on earth is 4,885 years old? It's called Methuselah and is located in the White Mountains in Inyo County, California, USA. It is a Pinus longaeva (Bristlecone Pine). Another tree often regarded...

Lightning produces ozone
Did you know that lightning produces ozone? But a forest fire also creates ozone. Ozone is mainly known from the ozone layer. This is a layer in the Earth's atmosphere that, as the name suggests, contains a lot of ozone. The...

Cockroach can live for weeks without a head
Did you know that a cockroach can survive for almost 2 weeks without its head? In a cockroach, not all bodily functions are controlled from the brain in the head, as is the case with vertebrates like humans. A cockroach has a...

A starfish’s arm can regrow if it loses one
Did you know that if a starfish loses an arm, it can grow a new one? Starfish (or sea stars) belong to echinoderms and are known for their ability to regenerate. If a starfish loses one of its arms due to a predator attack, an...

Most spiders have 8 eyes
Some spiders, such as cross spiders that are very common in the Netherlands, have poor eyesight. They primarily use their webs to monitor their surroundings. The majority of spiders have 4 pairs, and therefore, eight eyes. Each...

The poop of meat-eaters smells much stronger than that of plant-eaters
Did you know that the poop of meat-eaters (Carnivores) smells much stronger than that of plant-eaters (Herbivores)? The smell of feces is strongly influenced by the animal's diet. Carnivores, such as lions and tigers, eat meat,...

An elephant’s trunk contains no bones
Did you know that an elephant's trunk contains no bones? Instead, the elephant's trunk has nearly 150,000 muscles. These muscles give the trunk its incredible flexibility, strength, and precision. Thanks to these muscle bundles,...

A housefly lives for only 14 days
Did you know that a housefly lives for only 14 days? A housefly typically lives for about 14 days, though this lifespan can vary depending on factors such as temperature, food availability, and environment. Under ideal...

The thickest tree on Earth is “El Árbol del Tule” in Mexico
Did you know that the thickest tree on Earth is probably "El Árbol del Tule" in the town of Santa María del Tule in Mexico? El Árbol del Tule, located in the village of Santa María del Tule in Oaxaca, Mexico, is a remarkable...

It takes a chicken 25 hours to produce an egg
Did you know that it takes a chicken about 25 hours to produce an egg that can be laid? On average, a chicken takes between 24 and 26 hours to produce an egg. The process begins with the development of the yolk in the ovary....

Crocodiles lived 200 million years ago already
Did you know that crocodiles existed 200 million years ago? Crocodiles are among the oldest animal groups still in existence. Their ancestors appeared around 200 million years ago, during the Mesozoic era, a period that also saw...

An hedgehog has over 5,000 spines
Did you know that a hedgehog has over 5,000 spines? On average, a hedgehog has between 5,000 and 7,000 spines, although this number can vary depending on the species and age of the animal. These spines are essentially hairs that...

The world’s oceans contain 1,331 quintillion liters of water
Did you know that all the world's oceans together contain approximately 1.331 quintillion liters of salt water? The seas and oceans on Earth collectively hold an enormous amount of water, estimated at around 1.331 billion cubic...

Only 2.5% of the water (fresh + salt) on Earth is fresh water
Did you know that the total amount of fresh water on Earth makes up only 2.5% of the planet's total water supply (fresh + salt)? This 2.5% amounts to 35,000,000,000,000,000,000 (35 quintillion) liters of fresh water. This water...

Warm water freezes faster than cold water
Did you know that warm water freezes faster than cold water? This is called the Mpemba effect. It is named after the Tanzanian student Erasto Mpemba, who noticed this effect in the 1960s. There are various theories for this...

The brain is mostly made up of water (80%)
Did you know that the brain is mostly made up of water? The brain is composed of 80% water, with the remaining 20% consisting of fats and proteins. This high water content is essential for proper brain function, as water plays a...

The largest dinosaur ever found is the Argentinosaurus
Did you know that the largest dinosaur ever found is the Argentinosaurus? The largest dinosaurs that ever lived belong to the group of sauropods, which are known for their enormous size and long necks. The largest known...

Snakes once had legs
Did you know that snakes once had legs? The ancestors of snakes had limbs or legs, but through evolution and adaptation to their environment, these limbs were gradually reduced and eventually disappeared. Fossils have been found...

During a French kiss, 250 different types of bacteria are exchanged
Did you know that during a French kiss, 250 different types of bacteria are exchanged? The oral cavity is a complex environment rich in microorganisms, and the tongue is a major source of these bacteria. The exchange of bacteria...

The strongest earthquake ever occurred in 1960 in Chile
Did you know that the strongest earthquake ever was likely an earthquake in 1960 in Chile? The strongest earthquake ever recorded is the Valdivia earthquake in Chile, which occurred on May 22, 1960. This earthquake had a...

The human skeleton continues to grow until the age of 35.
Did you know that the human skeleton continues to grow until the age of 35? The term "growing" is a bit of an exaggeration. The growth of the skeleton, especially in terms of length, usually stops at the end of puberty, around...

An elephant cannot jump
Did you know that an elephant is physically unable to jump? Elephants are one of the few mammals that cannot jump. This is due to their enormous body weight and the way their legs are built. Unlike animals like kangaroos or...

Human hair grows 15 cm per year
Did you know that human hair grows about 15 cm per year? Human hair grows on average about 15 centimeters per year or 0.4 to 0.5 mm per day. This is an average and can vary depending on various factors such as genetics, age,...

Cold water is heavier than warm water
Did you know that cold water is heavier than warm water? (the same amounts, for example, one liter) The density of water increases as the temperature decreases. Water molecules move more slowly as the temperature drops, causing...

An Electric Eel generates enough energy to start 50 cars
Did you know that an electric eel, during a discharge, generates enough energy to start 50 cars? An Electric Eel (Electrophorus electricus) is a fish that resembles an eel and is primarily found in the freshwater environments of...

The heart of a mouse beats more than 600 times per minute
Did you know that the heart of a mouse beats more than 600 times per minute? So, the heart of a mouse beats 10 times per second. In comparison, a human's heart beats 60 to 80 times per minute. All mammals have roughly a billion...

In prehistoric times, there were gigantic ferns
Did you know that in prehistoric times there were gigantic ferns, reaching heights of up to 18 meters? During the Carboniferous period (over 300 million years ago), the warm climate provided ideal conditions for ferns to grow...

The Horseshoe Crab has blue blood
Did you know that a horseshoe crab has blue blood? A horseshoe crab is an arthropod (arthropods have their skeleton on the outside rather than internally like humans) and belongs to the group known as "swordtails." The horseshoe...

The hedgehog lived already during the time of the dinosaurs
Did you know that the hedgehog lived already during the time of the dinosaurs? The hedgehog was one of the species that survived the (presumed) meteorite impact that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs and is still alive...

During the mating season, a lion can mate up to dozens of times a day
Did you know that during the mating season, a lioness can mate as many as dozens of times a day? During the mating season, which usually lasts for a few weeks, a lioness may mate frequently, possibly dozens of times a day,...

The tongue of a giraffe can be almost half a meter long
Did you know that a giraffe's tongue can be almost half a meter long? The average length of a giraffe's tongue is 45 cm. The giraffe primarily uses its tongue to pull and eat leaves and twigs from trees. The tongue is very tough...

There are more bacteria in a mouth than there are people on Earth
Did you know that there are more bacteria in your mouth than there are people on Earth? Between 20 and 100 billion bacteria live in the mouth, depending on various factors such as hygiene, diet, and health. The number of...

A Koala sleeps 18 to 22 hours a day
Did you know that a Koala sleeps 18 to 22 hours a day? A Koala is only active for 2 to 6 hours a day, and during these hours, they mainly eat and reproduce. The eucalyptus leaves they consume contain very few nutrients and also...

Some grasshoppers hear through their hind legs
Did you know that some grasshoppers detect sound through their hind legs? In some species of grasshoppers, a hearing organ (also known as tympanal organs) is located on the tibiae of the forelegs. These organs are part of the...

A snail can sleep for 3 years without eating
Did you know that a snail can sleep for up to 3 years in a row without eating? As a survival mechanism, a snail undergoes a kind of hibernation called estivation to protect itself from unfavorable conditions like drought and...

Birds chew with their stomach
Did you know that birds actually chew with their stomach? Birds have a beak, which of course doesn't contain any teeth or molars. Therefore, a bird swallows food whole. Birds have two stomachs for the digestion process. In the...

Coral is an animal life form
Did you know that coral is animal life? Coral is an animal life form. Although it might resemble plants or even rocks, coral is composed of thousands of tiny organisms called polyps. These polyps belong to the phylum Cnidaria,...

Carrots used to be purple instead of orange
Did you know that carrots were originally purple? The carrot originates from Asia, and the original color of carrots was purple. In the 17th century, the purple carrot was crossed with yellow carrots, resulting in the orange...

The sex of a crocodile is determined by the temperature of the egg
Did you know that the sex of a crocodile is determined by the temperature of the egg it hatches from? In crocodiles, the sex of the offspring is determined by the temperature of the eggs during the incubation period, a...

A turtle can feel through its shell
Did you know that a turtle can feel through its shell? A turtle can feel through its shell! The shell of a turtle is not just a hard, sensationless exterior. The shell is actually a part of the turtle's skeleton and is made up...

The Polar Night can last half a year
Did You Know That the Polar Night Can Last Half a Year? The polar night is the period during which the sun does not rise for 24 hours. This phenomenon of total darkness occurs only within the Polar Circles. The closer one is to...

Chickens with brown earlobes lay brown eggs
Wist je dat een kip met bruine oorlellen, bruine eieren legt? Kippen met bruine oorlellen leggen vaak bruine eieren. De kleur van de oorlellen van een kip is een goede indicator van de kleur van de eieren die ze legt. Over het...

A light bulb is hotter than lava
Did you know that the filament in a light bulb reaches temperatures of 2,000 to 3,000 degrees Celsius? This is hotter than lava, which (above ground) has a maximum temperature of 1,200 degrees Celsius. The filament in a light...

The first economic bubble ever was the tulip bubble in the Netherlands
Did you know that the Netherlands was the first to experience an economic bubble, the tulip bubble? In the 17th century (the Golden Age), the Netherlands was the world's center of trade, agriculture, and industry. No other...

Eating a Pufferfish can be deadly
Did you know that eating a Pufferfish can be deadly? The Pufferfish (known as Fugu in Japanese) is extremely toxic. Despite its high toxicity, the Pufferfish is a very popular and expensive dish in Japan. Because the fish is so...

A starfish has no brain
Did you know that a starfish has no brain? Starfish (Asteroidea) do not have brains as we know them. Instead, they have a radial nervous system, which means their nerves are distributed in a star-shaped pattern across their...

The fastest animal on Earth is the Peregrine falcon
Did you know that the fastest animal on Earth is the Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus)? This specifically refers to the speed the animal can reach during a dive. During these spectacular dives, also known as "stoops," the...

Lowest temperature ever recorded on Earth
Did you know that the lowest temperature ever recorded on Earth is -89.2 degrees Celsius? This temperature was measured on July 21, 1983, at a Russian weather station called Vostok in Antarctica. The lowest temperature ever...

The highest mountain on Earth is Mount Everest
Did you know that the highest mountain on Earth is Mount Everest in the Himalayas? Mount Everest stands at a height of 8,850 meters and is located on the border between China and Nepal. It is part of the Himalayas, which lie at...

Every hour, 1 billion cells are replaced in the human body
Did you know that around 1 billion cells in your body are replaced every hour? The cells that are replaced are either old or dead and are therefore replaced by new cells. These include a wide variety of cells, from hair to skin...

The Blue Whale is the largest animal to have lived
Did you know that the largest animal ever to have lived is the blue whale? The blue whale can reach a length of up to 35 meters and weigh up to 175 tons. This animal can be found in all the oceans around the world. It has also...

The Dead Sea contains no plant or animal life
Did you know that the Dead Sea contains no plant or animal life? The Dead Sea lies in the border area between Israel and Jordan. The salt content in the Dead Sea is so high that no plants or animals can live in or around the...

The Heart of a Blue Whale is as big as a small car
Did you know that the Heart of a Blue Whale is as big as a small car? The hart of a Blue Whale weighs between 400 kg (880 lb) and 600 kg (1320 lb), and the aorta can reach a diameter of almost 25 cm. The Blue Whale has more...

The oldest tree on Earth is a Pinus longaeva
Did you know that the oldest tree on earth is 4,885 years old? It's called Methuselah and is located in the White Mountains in Inyo County, California, USA. It is a Pinus longaeva (Bristlecone Pine). Another tree often regarded...

Lightning produces ozone
Did you know that lightning produces ozone? But a forest fire also creates ozone. Ozone is mainly known from the ozone layer. This is a layer in the Earth's atmosphere that, as the name suggests, contains a lot of ozone. The...

Cockroach can live for weeks without a head
Did you know that a cockroach can survive for almost 2 weeks without its head? In a cockroach, not all bodily functions are controlled from the brain in the head, as is the case with vertebrates like humans. A cockroach has a...

A starfish’s arm can regrow if it loses one
Did you know that if a starfish loses an arm, it can grow a new one? Starfish (or sea stars) belong to echinoderms and are known for their ability to regenerate. If a starfish loses one of its arms due to a predator attack, an...

Most spiders have 8 eyes
Some spiders, such as cross spiders that are very common in the Netherlands, have poor eyesight. They primarily use their webs to monitor their surroundings. The majority of spiders have 4 pairs, and therefore, eight eyes. Each...