Did you know…

An elephant’s trunk contains no bones

An elephant’s trunk contains no bones

Did you know that an elephant's trunk contains no bones? Instead, the elephant's trunk has nearly 150,000 muscles. These muscles give the trunk its incredible flexibility, strength, and precision. Thanks to these muscle bundles,...

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A housefly lives for only 14 days

A housefly lives for only 14 days

Did you know that a housefly lives for only 14 days? A housefly typically lives for about 14 days, though this lifespan can vary depending on factors such as temperature, food availability, and environment. Under ideal...

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It takes a chicken 25 hours to produce an egg

It takes a chicken 25 hours to produce an egg

Did you know that it takes a chicken about 25 hours to produce an egg that can be laid? On average, a chicken takes between 24 and 26 hours to produce an egg. The process begins with the development of the yolk in the ovary....

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Crocodiles lived 200 million years ago already

Crocodiles lived 200 million years ago already

Did you know that crocodiles existed 200 million years ago? Crocodiles are among the oldest animal groups still in existence. Their ancestors appeared around 200 million years ago, during the Mesozoic era, a period that also saw...

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An hedgehog has over 5,000 spines

An hedgehog has over 5,000 spines

Did you know that a hedgehog has over 5,000 spines? On average, a hedgehog has between 5,000 and 7,000 spines, although this number can vary depending on the species and age of the animal. These spines are essentially hairs that...

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Snakes once had legs

Snakes once had legs

Did you know that snakes once had legs? The ancestors of snakes had limbs or legs, but through evolution and adaptation to their environment, these limbs were gradually reduced and eventually disappeared. Fossils have been found...

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An elephant cannot jump

An elephant cannot jump

Did you know that an elephant is physically unable to jump? Elephants are one of the few mammals that cannot jump. This is due to their enormous body weight and the way their legs are built. Unlike animals like kangaroos or...

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The Horseshoe Crab has blue blood

The Horseshoe Crab has blue blood

Did you know that a horseshoe crab has blue blood? A horseshoe crab is an arthropod (arthropods have their skeleton on the outside rather than internally like humans) and belongs to the group known as "swordtails." The horseshoe...

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A Koala sleeps 18 to 22 hours a day

A Koala sleeps 18 to 22 hours a day

Did you know that a Koala sleeps 18 to 22 hours a day? A Koala is only active for 2 to 6 hours a day, and during these hours, they mainly eat and reproduce. The eucalyptus leaves they consume contain very few nutrients and also...

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Some grasshoppers hear through their hind legs

Some grasshoppers hear through their hind legs

Did you know that some grasshoppers detect sound through their hind legs? In some species of grasshoppers, a hearing organ (also known as tympanal organs) is located on the tibiae of the forelegs. These organs are part of the...

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A snail can sleep for 3 years without eating

A snail can sleep for 3 years without eating

Did you know that a snail can sleep for up to 3 years in a row without eating? As a survival mechanism, a snail undergoes a kind of hibernation called estivation to protect itself from unfavorable conditions like drought and...

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Birds chew with their stomach

Birds chew with their stomach

Did you know that birds actually chew with their stomach? Birds have a beak, which of course doesn't contain any teeth or molars. Therefore, a bird swallows food whole. Birds have two stomachs for the digestion process. In the...

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Coral is an animal life form

Coral is an animal life form

Did you know that coral is animal life? Coral is an animal life form. Although it might resemble plants or even rocks, coral is composed of thousands of tiny organisms called polyps. These polyps belong to the phylum Cnidaria,...

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A turtle can feel through its shell

A turtle can feel through its shell

Did you know that a turtle can feel through its shell? A turtle can feel through its shell! The shell of a turtle is not just a hard, sensationless exterior. The shell is actually a part of the turtle's skeleton and is made up...

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It takes a chicken 25 hours to produce an egg

Chickens with brown earlobes lay brown eggs

Wist je dat een kip met bruine oorlellen, bruine eieren legt? Kippen met bruine oorlellen leggen vaak bruine eieren. De kleur van de oorlellen van een kip is een goede indicator van de kleur van de eieren die ze legt. Over het...

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Eating a Pufferfish can be deadly

Eating a Pufferfish can be deadly

Did you know that eating a Pufferfish can be deadly? The Pufferfish (known as Fugu in Japanese) is extremely toxic. Despite its high toxicity, the Pufferfish is a very popular and expensive dish in Japan. Because the fish is so...

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A snail can sleep for 3 years without eating

Snail have more teeth than Sharks

Did you know snails have more teeth than sharks? Snails are herbivores (plant eaters) and mainly eat leaves. Sharks are hunters and therefore carnivores. They mainly feed on fish, seals, and the like. Sharks are known to have a...

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Cockroach can live for weeks without a head

Cockroach can live for weeks without a head

Did you know that a cockroach can survive for almost 2 weeks without its head? In a cockroach, not all bodily functions are controlled from the brain in the head, as is the case with vertebrates like humans. A cockroach has a...

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A starfish’s arm can regrow if it loses one

A starfish’s arm can regrow if it loses one

Did you know that if a starfish loses an arm, it can grow a new one? Starfish (or sea stars) belong to echinoderms and are known for their ability to regenerate. If a starfish loses one of its arms due to a predator attack, an...

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Most spiders have 8 eyes

Most spiders have 8 eyes

Some spiders, such as cross spiders that are very common in the Netherlands, have poor eyesight. They primarily use their webs to monitor their surroundings. The majority of spiders have 4 pairs, and therefore, eight eyes. Each...

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An elephant’s trunk contains no bones

An elephant’s trunk contains no bones

Did you know that an elephant's trunk contains no bones? Instead, the elephant's trunk has nearly 150,000 muscles. These muscles give the trunk its incredible flexibility, strength, and precision. Thanks to these muscle bundles,...

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A housefly lives for only 14 days

A housefly lives for only 14 days

Did you know that a housefly lives for only 14 days? A housefly typically lives for about 14 days, though this lifespan can vary depending on factors such as temperature, food availability, and environment. Under ideal...

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It takes a chicken 25 hours to produce an egg

It takes a chicken 25 hours to produce an egg

Did you know that it takes a chicken about 25 hours to produce an egg that can be laid? On average, a chicken takes between 24 and 26 hours to produce an egg. The process begins with the development of the yolk in the ovary....

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Crocodiles lived 200 million years ago already

Crocodiles lived 200 million years ago already

Did you know that crocodiles existed 200 million years ago? Crocodiles are among the oldest animal groups still in existence. Their ancestors appeared around 200 million years ago, during the Mesozoic era, a period that also saw...

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An hedgehog has over 5,000 spines

An hedgehog has over 5,000 spines

Did you know that a hedgehog has over 5,000 spines? On average, a hedgehog has between 5,000 and 7,000 spines, although this number can vary depending on the species and age of the animal. These spines are essentially hairs that...

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Snakes once had legs

Snakes once had legs

Did you know that snakes once had legs? The ancestors of snakes had limbs or legs, but through evolution and adaptation to their environment, these limbs were gradually reduced and eventually disappeared. Fossils have been found...

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An elephant cannot jump

An elephant cannot jump

Did you know that an elephant is physically unable to jump? Elephants are one of the few mammals that cannot jump. This is due to their enormous body weight and the way their legs are built. Unlike animals like kangaroos or...

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The Horseshoe Crab has blue blood

The Horseshoe Crab has blue blood

Did you know that a horseshoe crab has blue blood? A horseshoe crab is an arthropod (arthropods have their skeleton on the outside rather than internally like humans) and belongs to the group known as "swordtails." The horseshoe...

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A Koala sleeps 18 to 22 hours a day

A Koala sleeps 18 to 22 hours a day

Did you know that a Koala sleeps 18 to 22 hours a day? A Koala is only active for 2 to 6 hours a day, and during these hours, they mainly eat and reproduce. The eucalyptus leaves they consume contain very few nutrients and also...

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Some grasshoppers hear through their hind legs

Some grasshoppers hear through their hind legs

Did you know that some grasshoppers detect sound through their hind legs? In some species of grasshoppers, a hearing organ (also known as tympanal organs) is located on the tibiae of the forelegs. These organs are part of the...

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A snail can sleep for 3 years without eating

A snail can sleep for 3 years without eating

Did you know that a snail can sleep for up to 3 years in a row without eating? As a survival mechanism, a snail undergoes a kind of hibernation called estivation to protect itself from unfavorable conditions like drought and...

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Birds chew with their stomach

Birds chew with their stomach

Did you know that birds actually chew with their stomach? Birds have a beak, which of course doesn't contain any teeth or molars. Therefore, a bird swallows food whole. Birds have two stomachs for the digestion process. In the...

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Coral is an animal life form

Coral is an animal life form

Did you know that coral is animal life? Coral is an animal life form. Although it might resemble plants or even rocks, coral is composed of thousands of tiny organisms called polyps. These polyps belong to the phylum Cnidaria,...

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A turtle can feel through its shell

A turtle can feel through its shell

Did you know that a turtle can feel through its shell? A turtle can feel through its shell! The shell of a turtle is not just a hard, sensationless exterior. The shell is actually a part of the turtle's skeleton and is made up...

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It takes a chicken 25 hours to produce an egg

Chickens with brown earlobes lay brown eggs

Wist je dat een kip met bruine oorlellen, bruine eieren legt? Kippen met bruine oorlellen leggen vaak bruine eieren. De kleur van de oorlellen van een kip is een goede indicator van de kleur van de eieren die ze legt. Over het...

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Eating a Pufferfish can be deadly

Eating a Pufferfish can be deadly

Did you know that eating a Pufferfish can be deadly? The Pufferfish (known as Fugu in Japanese) is extremely toxic. Despite its high toxicity, the Pufferfish is a very popular and expensive dish in Japan. Because the fish is so...

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A snail can sleep for 3 years without eating

Snail have more teeth than Sharks

Did you know snails have more teeth than sharks? Snails are herbivores (plant eaters) and mainly eat leaves. Sharks are hunters and therefore carnivores. They mainly feed on fish, seals, and the like. Sharks are known to have a...

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Cockroach can live for weeks without a head

Cockroach can live for weeks without a head

Did you know that a cockroach can survive for almost 2 weeks without its head? In a cockroach, not all bodily functions are controlled from the brain in the head, as is the case with vertebrates like humans. A cockroach has a...

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A starfish’s arm can regrow if it loses one

A starfish’s arm can regrow if it loses one

Did you know that if a starfish loses an arm, it can grow a new one? Starfish (or sea stars) belong to echinoderms and are known for their ability to regenerate. If a starfish loses one of its arms due to a predator attack, an...

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Most spiders have 8 eyes

Most spiders have 8 eyes

Some spiders, such as cross spiders that are very common in the Netherlands, have poor eyesight. They primarily use their webs to monitor their surroundings. The majority of spiders have 4 pairs, and therefore, eight eyes. Each...

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