Did you know…

The wettest place on earth is Meghalaya in India

Did you know that the wettest place on earth is the state of Meghalaya in India?

Meghalaya receives an average of 12,700 mm of rain per year. The weather in Meghalaya can be described as extreme. It rains heavily for six consecutive months, followed by six months of dry weather. During the rainy season, the monsoon winds from the Bay of Bengal, located to the south/southwest of India, bring a lot of rain to Meghalaya. It rains daily during the monsoon, and when it doesn’t rain, a misty layer of water droplets often covers everything, making everything soaking wet.

Meghalaya does face competition from Mount Waiʻaleʻale on the Hawaiian island of Kauaʻi, where it rains the most frequently. It rains here on no less than 360 days a year, resulting in 12,000 mm of rainfall.

The photo accompanying this article was taken by Santanu Sen via flickr.com.

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