Did you know that the poop of meat-eaters (Carnivores) smells much stronger than that of plant-eaters (Herbivores)?
The smell of feces is strongly influenced by the animal’s diet. Carnivores, such as lions and tigers, eat meat, which is rich in proteins and fats. During the digestion process, these substances are broken down by enzymes and bacteria in the intestines, releasing compounds like hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, and other volatile organic compounds. These compounds have a strong, penetrating odor, which makes the feces of carnivores often unpleasant.
Herbivores, such as horses, cows, and rabbits, primarily eat plants, which are high in fiber and contain fewer complex substances like proteins. During the digestion of plant-based food, fewer of these strongly smelling compounds are produced. As a result, the feces of herbivores is generally less pungent.
Another contributing factor is that meat spoils more easily and causes greater bacterial activity during digestion, which also adds to the stronger odor.